Components and Electric Currents are Heating your Printed Circuit Board.
How hot would it get? Would the final temperature be compliant?
No data sheet in the world can say that. Our software TRM can do it.
TRM is a perfect software for thermal and electrical analysis ( PDN ) of your printed circuit board. With TRM3 you use an easy-to-use, powerful and affordable tool. (TRM3_Brochure)
Import your Gerber, component and drill data to TRM ("Thermal Risk Management") and investigate the thermal risks of your printed board before prototyping, or, use it to save money in manufacturing (s. FAQ) .
There are users who have opted for TRM because TRM is easier to use, more flexible and more cost-effective than Hyperlynx, ANSYS or Keysight for the area of application mentioned.
Our software TRM offers a unique combination of:
- Import all layers, prepregs, drilled holes, components, netlist and pads.

- Can be used with any electronic CAD layout system by Gerber, Excellon, ipc
- Can also be used by technologists without layout data
- Truely easy to use
- Export and Import Wizard for ALTIUM User. Video (15 mins):
TRM3 with Wizard interface for Altium Designer (Video)

- Export script and import Wizard for Allegro/Orcad
- Export script and import Wizard for Eagle/Fusion360
- Export script and import Wizard for ZUKEN e-CADSTAR and CR-8000
- Virtual thermographs all layers and prepregs in high resolution
- Trace heating (Ampacity) and component heating
- DC Voltage drop and flow of current in all traces
3-phase half-bridge motor control: U, J, T Steady state and transient.

- Temperature dependent material properties
- Inductance Matrix

- Various environmental conditions
- Air Cooling
- Conduction cooling and heat sinks
- Radiation into vacuum
- Combinations
- Precision by physics and geometry

- Can also be used by technologists without layout data

- Going in depth with automatic tables
- Flexible server licensing or standalone
- Short to moderate computing times on laptop and PC
- Ask for a trial period
- Register in TRM Forum
Fields of applications: LED Boards - Automotive - Power electronics - Electric mobility - Mechatronics - Avionics - Space - Backplanes - Converters