- Mindesttemperatur einer Leiterplatte / Minimum Temperature of a Printed Board (DE/EN)
- Stromtragfähigkeit von Leiterbahnen / Current-Carrying Capacity of Traces (DE/EN)
- Wärmewiderstände hinterfragt (DE)
- FR4 - dein Freund und Helfer / FR4 - a Jolly Good Fellow (DE/EN)
- Wärmestrahlung in der Elektronik (DE)
- Strombelastbarkeit von Vias (DE)
- Heat Spreading and Layout / Wärmespreizung und Layout ( EN/DE )
- Kurzschlussstrom und Temperatur (DIN/VDE 0298) / Short-Circuit Current and Temperature ( DE/EN )
- Temperature of a Heated Plate as Function of Time ( EN )
- Melting Time of a Wire in Adiabatic Approximation (Onderdonk Equation) ( EN )
- Internal Temperature of a Component (Junction Temperature) ( EN )
- Axial ventilator selection guide: Fan Laws and Fan Correlations. (EN)
- How effective are thermal vias? Less than you think. (EN)
- About temperature of shunt resistors (EN)
This collection has its historical order. Some topics have been extended in the list of publications or list of Case Studies.