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Test Board

Current-Carrying Capacity (TU Hamburg-Harburg)

Test Board Photograph
Infrared Image of Joule heating
TRM simulation of Joule heating

DCDC Converter

Master Thesis

Current Density in busbars
TRM simulation of temperature

Current Density

4-layer motor controller

Current Density

Temperature Result

Top layer of an automation control board

Temperature and layout

Joule Heating

4-Layerboard with current in top.  Comparison of thermal imaging camera and TRM simulation. Details and values match.


Component Heating

Dual 20A/single 40A step-down, 100W Analog Power Module. 4-lagig.
Courtesy: IntersilTM Corp., Milpitas, USA

Comparison of thermal imaging camera and TRM simulation. Details and values match. Read more:  Case Study No. 1

Infrared                                               TRM Simulation with Component Footprint
The temperature field correlates with the design
The temperature field correlates with the design


Busbars locally increase the cross-section of a power level. With friendly permission: Jumatech GmbH, Germany

Position der Busbars im TRM Modell
Position of Busbars in a TRM model
Busbars with Through Holes
Current Density Distribution

Interfacing Altium Designer and TRM

Altera Cyclone                   Altium                              Calculated Temperature

Power Surge in a Trace Fuse

Thermography (one frame from an animation)
TRM Simulation
Heating Curve of the hotspot in log-log system
Heating Curve of the hotspot in log-log system (for Zth)